Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Bridging the Digital Divide

HITnet kiosk in useThe National Health Interactive Technology Network (HITnet) Programme in Australia has teamed up with NeoProducts to promote their latest kiosk, the Zenon, at this year’s Making Links Conference held at Melbourne University in November 2009.

This conference brings together individuals, organisations and groups working at the intersection of social action and ICT.

HITnet wants to be a leader in innovative new media services and solutions to enhance health. They promote health and well-being to disadvantaged populations through creating and sharing new media information in ways that empower individuals, families and communities.

The kiosks allow HITnet to deliver targeted health information to disadvantaged people in an autonomous learning environment with democratic access to technology to bridge the 'digital divide'. NeoProducts has been working with HITnet over the last 12 months supplying, installing and servicing 29 Zenon kiosks to locations all over Australia, some as remote as Thursday Island and the Central Desert, and there are plans to roll out many more in 2010.

"Neo have been a pleasure to work with over the last 12 months. Not only have they been responsive to our unique needs, they have delivered on time to a cost-effective budget. We look forward to an ongoing and mutually beneficial relationship"

Julie Gibson, Technical Manager for HITnet.

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